[ new account ]

1. User Information

Please enter the following user information. The email and password entered here will be used to login to the main site once your account is confirmed and activated.

Write these down somewhere for future reference.

* E-mail:
* Password:
* Re-type Password:

2. Contact Details

The following contact details are completely PRIVATE and for committee records ONLY. These will not be publicly displayed.

Note: After you login for the first time, you will have a chance to update more profile and biographical details by clicking the 'my profile' link at the top of each page.

* First Name:
Maiden Name:
* Last Name:
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City:
* State
* Zip:
* Country:
* Phone:

3. Select Alumni Profile

If you are a member of this class, please scroll through the alphabetical list below and choose your name. This will link your new account to your alumni profile, and allow you to update and share your bio and photos on your personal page.

If your name is not listed and you are a member of this class, you may already have an account! Please attempt to login using the email you supplied previously, or check what email you used by attempting to retrieve your password using the tools provided on the previous page. If you simply need to update the email address on file, please contact the Administrator

If your name is not listed, or you are not an member of this class, but would like an account anyway, please select - none -.

Select your name:

4. Finish

Cancel and Return to Main Login